Draftworx automates the drafting of financial statements in compliance with applicable standards such as IFRS, IFRS SME, FRS as well as your countries Companies Act. We also specialise in Assurance Engagement Working Papers from Compilation to Independent Review to Audit and more!

Contact Info
UK +44 203 150 0724
ZA +27 (0)1061 51 52 53

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Cloud per entity, Desktop per user

Draftworx Desktop

Per user license, unlimited clients

Draftworx Prac 485 475 7 800
Draftworx Corp¹ SME² 485 475 7 800
Draftworx Corp¹ IFRS 3 000 2 950 48 500
DigiSign 135 130 2 150

¹ For non professional body members
² For corporates that do not require full IFRS reporting

Volume discounts apply, contact us for an accurate quote

Draftworx Cloud

International Financials

Once off charge, per entity, per financial year

Template USD GBP ZAR
IFRS / IFRS Consolidation 176 175 2 900
IFRS SME / IFRS SME Consolidation 18 18 285
Close Corporation 9 7 145
Body Corp - Included in IFRS SME and Trust
Partnership 9 7 145
Trust 9 7 145
School 9 7 145
NPO 9 7 145
NPC 9 7 145
Monthly Management Pack 9 7 145
Sole Proprietor 5 5 70

Cloud accounts include 1Gb storage. Inactive accounts may attract storage fees.

UKI Final Accounts

UK, Guernsey, Jersey and Ireland

Template USD GBP ZAR
UK IFRS / Consolidation 178 174 2 900
FRS 102 18 18 290
FRS 102(1A) 18 18 290
FRS 105 9 9 145
Charities 18 18 290
LLP 18 18 290

Cloud Working Papers

Audit (United Kingdom & Ireland - In development)
Audit Exempt 8 7 130
Review (ISRE2400) 45 38 715
Compilation (ISRS4410) 9 7 145
Agreed Upon Procedures (ISRS4400) 17 14 255
Accounting Officer (ZA/NA) 20 15 310
Legal Practitioner 40 40 635
Property Practitioner 40 40 635